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  • Affirmation Yoga (Yoga Flow)

    A series of power-poses to practice positive affirmations. Build confidence and self-esteem!

    We begin our flow in High Lunge and Warrior 2, strengthening our leg and core muscles. Then we move to Star Pose, a gentle heart opener. Tree Pose and Warrior 3 build our strength and balance, and Fierce...

  • Breath of Joy (Energy Breathing)

    Breath of Joy is a rhythmic breathing exercise combining gross motor movement, arm stretches and a forward fold. Breath of Joy is helpful for encouraging focus and engagement, as well as stress reduction. It's a great activity to start the day, or for a brain break at school!

  • Balanced Breathing (Mindfulness Activity)

    Find calm and balance through breathing! Add arm movements to help promote body awareness, right-side and left-side brain integration, upper body isolation and core strengthening.

  • Festive Fall Fun with Rachel

    Join Rachel for a Fall Adventure - apples, leaves, pumpkins, and more!

  • Hello, My Friends (Sing Along)

    Practice repeating musical phrases and rhythms - a great way to start the day with listening skills! Singing along together and giving space for all our friends is a great way to start the day or to introduce social-emotional learning concepts. Hello!

  • Sun Dance (Sun Salutation)

    The Yo Re Mi sun salutation - a perfect start to every day! Join Rachel as she sings and stretches. A Sun Salutation is a standard part of many yoga practices! Kids can practice a full Sun Salutation to build energy and warm up our bodies before we begin to move.

  • A Fine Day At The Farm

    Make animal poses and noises in this fun new song from our Farm Adventure!

  • Deep Breath In (Breathing Activity)

    Take some deep breaths with Rachel to warm up, energize and relax!

    At the beginning of every Yo Re Mi class, we warm up our bodies and voices. Crossing the meridian of our body builds the corpus callosum, the bridge between the two halves of our brain, and helps with tracking and reading skills ...

  • Move Them Bones (Body Scan)

    In our fun and original song, children learn about different bones in the body. Combining music and rhythm with repetition and education creates a powerful and engaging learning experience for young children.

  • Strong Foundation (Mountain Pose)

    Need to center, calm and focus? Kids can practice Mountain Pose while singing along to our Foundation song, and learning how to ground down and reach tall!

  • Apple Tree (Tree Pose)

    In Apple Tree kids can practice balancing in Tree Pose! Balancing poses build our sense of proprioception, or where we are in space. Tree Pose also strengthens our standing leg and core and lengthens our spine and side ribs.

  • Scooter Scat (Single Leg Balancing)

    In our original Scooter Scat, kids practice maintaining their balance and using their imagination to take a ride. The abilities to balance and to recognize opposite feet are developmental milestones and we can build these strengths through engaging our core muscles and through practice.

  • Planting Vegetables (Low Lunge & Half Split)

    Use children's yoga and sing-along music to practice stretching, planting and picking with our original garden song! Low Lunge and Half Split are deep stretches, while raising arms strengthens the core and opens the heart!

  • Walking On The Moon (Gentle Twists)

    Explore different tempos and gentle yoga twists and begin to learn how gravity works on the moon. Twists promote digestion and moving slowly introduces both musical and mindful concepts.

  • Try A Triangle (Triangle Pose)

    Kids can learn Triangle Pose with our fun rhyme! Triangle stretches our legs while strengthening and twisting our abdominals. Twists aid with digestion and strengthening poses ground and focus, developing a child's sense of where their body is in space, and a sense of self-confidence.

  • Rocket Ship (Chair Pose & Star Pose)

    Three...two...one...Blast off into outer space with Rachel!

    Practice Chair Pose (also known as Fierce Pose) and Star Pose. Chair Pose strengthens our legs and core and Star Pose energizes us, lengthening our spine and intercostal muscles and shining our hearts forward. Poses like Star Pose are a...

  • Down Dog (Downward Facing Dog with Split)

    Practice Downward Facing Dog Pose while adding in a Down Dog Split!

    This is a great way to practice balance and strengthen our arms, core, back and standing leg! Maintaining this pose also builds strength and focus.

  • Fire Truck (Plank / Side Plank)

    Take an imaginary adventure on a firetruck while practicing the challenging Plank Pose and Side Plank Pose. Both versions of Plank strengthen our stabilizing core muscles and our arms. This creates stability and focus!

  • Backhoe (Three-Legged Dog)

    Practice Three-Legged Dog with this new song from our Construction Adventure!

  • Moose Goose (High Lunge & Warrior 3 Pose)

    In our original and silly Moose Goose song, kids can practice a short but engaging yoga flow from High Lunge to Warrior 3 Pose. Both of these yoga poses lengthen the spine and build stability in the legs and core, strengthening children's sense of balance and proprioception.

  • Airplane (Warrior Three Pose)

    Make airplanes with Rachel - practice balance, repetition, and making engine sounds!

    Warrior Three teaches us balance, stability and strength and is a great pose for building focus.

  • Penguin (Music and Movement)

    In our fun and original penguin song, kids can practice connecting their aural and physical listening skills by following Rachel up and down! PliƩ-ing strengthens and stretches different muscle groups in our legs and balancing on tip-toe tests both our balance and our sense of proprioception!

  • Flamingos (Crane Pose)

    Practice balancing like a flamingo with Crane Pose! This is a balancing pose that strengthens our core, legs, and sense of proprioception, or where we are in space.

  • Rainforest (Animal Yoga)

    Kids, hop on an imaginary adventure to the Rainforest with Rachel! In our original Rainforest song, kids practice a mini yoga flow, trying out many different yoga poses, including Tree Pose, Goddess Pose, Garland Pose and Warrior 3!