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  • I Am a Rainbow (Sing Along)

    Affirmations create mindfulness and help us practice well-being. Say an affirmation that connects with each color of the rainbow. Celebrate the wide range of feelings we all have every day!

  • Car (Seated Stretch)

    Go for a car ride with Rachel. Stretch and strengthen as you sing along. Don't forget your seatbelt!

    Create an imaginary car and practice a mini yoga sequence! We practice a wide-legged stretch with side-bending, Boat Pose and Core Work. We also target some developmental milestones such as cross...

  • Pirate Ship (Wide-Legged Forward Fold)

    Children can work together to practice wide-legged forward fold while singing our fun pirate song! Partner poses strengthen social-emotional learning skills and wide-legged forward folds lengthen our adductors, the muscles that pull our legs in towards our bodies.

  • Giraffe (Kneeling Twist)

    In our Giraffe song, kids can practice a gentle twist and backbend! Twists help our digestion and backbends open our front body and strengthen our back body.

  • Sleepy Lion (Upward Facing Dog)

    Practice being a sleepy Lion with Rachel! We start in Child's Pose, a grounding, calming pose which promotes focus and regulates our nervous system. Then we move to Upward Facing Dog and we RAWR! Upward Facing Dog strengthens our arms and we get a great stretch for our front body as well!

  • What Do You See in the Sea? (Ocean Yoga)

    Practice singing and making sea creatures out of yoga poses with our fun song exploring animals in the ocean. Children can share their ideas of different aquatic animals and show new ways to shape their bodies into poses!

  • Dolphin (Dolphin Pose)

    Take an ocean adventure and practice Dolphin Pose! Add in some Dolphin Push-ups to make things even more challenging and strengthen your core, arms and back!

  • Gondola (Bow Pose)

    Kids can practice Bow Pose with our Gondola song! Bow Pose strengthens the back and legs while lengthening the front body, opening our heart area and facilitating conversation. Let's take a gondola!

  • Canoe (Boat Pose, Partner Pose)

    Balance and Strengthen - together!!

    In our Canoe song, team up for partner Boat Poses, building stability, core strength and balance while working as a team!

  • Go With The Flow (Mindfulness)

    Do you know how to go with the flow? Kids can practice building and learning about resilience with our fun and catchy original song. Children problem-solve and create different yoga shapes with their bodies' to get out of some tight places!

  • A Slippery Fish (Sing Along)

    Sing along with this fun classic and add some yoga-based movements!

    Develop fine and gross motor skills, learn about opposite hands to connect the left and right side of your brain, and strengthen your core and back with a bit of a balance challenge!

  • Big Bad Wolf (Camel Pose)

    Sing along to our Big Bad Wolf song while practicing Camel Pose, a deep backbend! Backbends lengthen our front bodies while building strength in our back bodies. Awoooo!

  • Pig (Knees-to-Chest Pose)

    Knees-to-Chest is great for releasing the lumbar spine and aiding in digestion. When we lift and lower our legs, we engage and build strength in our core muscles to help with stabilization, posture and more!

  • Bicycle (Core Strengthening)

    Kids can take an imaginary bicycle on an adventure! We practice bicycles and then Bridge Pose to strengthen and then stretch our cores!

  • Blue Footed Booby (Fish Pose & Candle Pose)

    Kids can practice Fish Pose and Candle Pose (Shoulder Stand) in
    our fun song about a Blue-Footed Booby from the Galapagos! Shoulder Stand stretches our shoulders and legs while toning abs. It also calms and energizes while reducing stress and fatigue.

  • Bus (Plow Pose)

    In our original Bus rhyme, kids can practice Chair or Fierce Pose and then roll back to Plow Pose. Chair Pose strengthens our legs and lengthens our spine, while Plow Pose is a deep fold and an inversion which sends lots of freshly oxygenated blood to our brain for clarity and focus!

  • Colorful Scarves (Waving a Rainbow)

    So many colors! Kids can sing along with our Colorful Scarves song and learn about all the colors in the rainbow. This song supports early childhood education, teaching infants and young children eye-tracking and building new synapses in their neural pathways!

  • Breathing Buddy

    Breathing is better with a buddy! Bring a stuffed animal and watch them rise and fall on your belly!

  • Change My Mind (Mindfulness)

    Children can sing-along with Dan and Rachel and learn all about the concept of changing their minds! This is a great sing along-song for early education, meeting rugs, and social-emotional learning!

  • Eye Yoga: Opposite Eyes

  • Eye Yoga: Eye Clock

  • Eye Yoga: Open Shut

  • Eye Yoga: Eye Massage

  • Eye Yoga: Thumb Gazing