3rd Grade and Up

3rd Grade and Up

Activities suggested for children 8 years and older.

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3rd Grade and Up
  • Pond Adventure

    Come play with the frogs and ducks - time to get splashing!

    Activities include:
    Hello My Friends
    Deep Breath In
    Sun Dance
    Jump In the Water
    Open Shut
    Ukulele Relaxation
    Home Song

    © RDC ARTS, LLC. All Rights Reserved

  • Puddle Jumper (Chair Pose & Toe Balance)

    What a combo! Kids can travel on an imaginary puddle jumper while switching between Chair Pose and Toe Balance. These poses in concert build strength in the legs, feet and core, developing balance and proprioception.

  • Rain Adventure

    Grab your umbrella and your rain boots - it's puddle time!! Rachel leads us through a fun, stormy adventure to the rainbow!

    Activities include:
    Hello My Friends
    Rain Storm Body Warm Up
    Itsy Bitsy Spider
    Jump in the Water
    Puddle Jumper
    Sun Dance
    Rainbow Relaxation

  • Rainforest Adventure

    Travel to the Amazon and find frogs, monkeys, and a rainbow of nature!

    Activities include:
    Hello My Friends
    Deep Breath In
    Sun Dance
    Screen Break: Opposite Eyes
    Jungle Cat
    Slithery Snake
    I Am A Rainbow
    Ukulele Relaxation
    Home Song

    © RDC ARTS, LLC. All Rights...

  • Rainforest (Animal Yoga)

    Kids, hop on an imaginary adventure to the Rainforest with Rachel! In our original Rainforest song, kids practice a mini yoga flow, trying out many different yoga poses, including Tree Pose, Goddess Pose, Garland Pose and Warrior 3!

  • Reptile Adventure

    Lizards, Snakes, Turtles, Crocodiles and Dinosaurs! Five new activities for this scaly new adventure. 20 minutes of reptilian fun.

    Activities include:
    Hello My Friends
    Deep Breath In
    Slithery Snake
    Baby Snake
    5 Deep Breaths
    Teeny Tiny Dinosaur
    Crocodile Relaxation

  • Reptiles Mini Adventure

    Our ten minute adventures are a bright burst of singing and stretching. Let's be reptiles!

  • Satellite (Deep Squat with Twist)

    Learn about satellites and outer space while practicing deep seated squats and gentle twists. A fun family yoga pose! Twisting aids digestion and squats strengthen our legs, back and core muscles. Anchoring to the Earth creates stability and focus.

  • Scooter Scat (Single Leg Balancing)

    In our original Scooter Scat, kids practice maintaining their balance and using their imagination to take a ride. The abilities to balance and to recognize opposite feet are developmental milestones and we can build these strengths through engaging our core muscles and through practice.

  • Sensory Integration Series

    Musical yoga for breath and body awareness!

    Activities in this series:
    Hello My Friends
    Sun Dance
    Bought Me a Cat
    Slippery Fish
    Yes I Whale
    Trees and Birds
    Walking on the Moon
    Leaves Change Color

    © RDC ARTS, LLC. All Rights Reserved

  • Silly Spooky Halloween Adventure

    Come to the haunted castle with Dan - it's silly, spooky Halloween fun!

    Activites include:
    Hello, My Friends
    Deep Breath In
    Sun Dance / Spooky Sun Dance
    Haunted Castles
    Move Them Bones
    5 Little Pumpkins
    Pumpkin Patch
    Wind Relaxation
    5 Monster Breaths
    Home Song

  • Ski Down The Mountain (Chair Pose)

    Kids practice Chair Pose, also known as Fierce Pose, in our fun and original Skiing song! Fierce Pose strengthens our legs and core and helps us build focus and practice balance! Let's go skiing!

  • Sleepy Lion (Upward Facing Dog)

    Practice being a sleepy Lion with Rachel! We start in Child's Pose, a grounding, calming pose which promotes focus and regulates our nervous system. Then we move to Upward Facing Dog and we RAWR! Upward Facing Dog strengthens our arms and we get a great stretch for our front body as well!

  • Five Deep Breaths

    Let's take five deep breaths with our "Breathing Ball" aka the Hoberman Sphere. Let's focus, breathe, and relax.

  • Sleepy Lion (Upward Facing Dog) Extended Play

    Practice being a sleepy Lion with Rachel! We start in Child's Pose, a grounding, calming pose which promotes focus and regulates our nervous system. Then we move to Upward Facing Dog and we RAWR! Upward Facing Dog strengthens our arms and we get a great stretch for our front body as well!

  • S'mores

    Toast some marshmallows with Dan to make a yummy camping treat!

  • Five Monster Breaths

    Take some spooky breaths with Dan! This activity is featured in our Halloween special Silly Spooky Halloween Adventure. Watch the entire adventure here:

  • Snow Adventure

    Travel to Canada for a snowy adventure!

    Hello My Friends
    Deep Breath In
    Body Warm Up
    Sun Dance
    Up and Down
    Dogsled Race
    See The Bunnies Sleeping / Hop A Lot, Stop!
    Moose / Goose
    Ski Down The Mountain
    Affirmation Yoga
    Ukulele Meditation
    Home Song

    © RDC ARTS, LLC. A...

  • Space Adventure

    Visit every planet in the solar system on this galactic ride!

    Activities in this adventure:
    Hello My Friends
    Deep Breath In
    Warm up
    Sun Dance
    Rocket Ship
    Melting Mercury
    Walking on the Moon
    Space Rover Robot
    Move Your Middle
    Breathing Ball
    Home Song


  • Space Mini Adventure

    Blast off with us to explore outer space! A 10 minute mini-adventure.

  • Space Rover Robot (Deep Squat) Extended Play

    Practice deep squats and Star Pose in our fun and silly Space Rover Robot song! Learn about outer space while squatting to strengthen your legs and jump into Star Pose to open up your heart and chest, facilitating communication and gentle back-bending! What does your robot sound like?

  • Space Rover Robot (Deep Squat & Star Pose)

    Children practice deep squats and Star Pose in our fun and silly Space Rover Robot song! Learn about outer space while squatting to strengthen your legs and jump into Star Pose to open up your heart and chest, facilitating communication and gentle back-bending! What does your robot sound like?

  • Sphinx (Sphinx Pose)

    Practice Sphinx Pose and sing along with our original song about the Egyptian Sphinx! Sphinx yoga pose is a gentle backbend and heart opener which helps us strengthen our spine, stretch our chest and shoulders, and reduce stress.

  • Squirrel (Garland Pose with Twist)

    Deep squats like Garland lengthen our quads and strengthen our hamstrings, and adding a twist aids our digestion for happy tummies!