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  • A Slippery Fish (Sing Along) Extended Play

    Sing along with this fun classic and add some yoga-based movements!

    Develop fine and gross motor skills, learn about opposite hands to connect the left and right side of your brain, and strengthen your core and back with a bit of a balance challenge!

  • Leaves and Cider (Fall Mindfulness Activities)

    Try "Leaves Change Color" and "Cider Breathing" from our "Apple Picking Adventure!" Two fall-themed activities that promote calm, focus, brain development and breath awareness! Watch the full-length "Apple Picking Adventure" here: https://app.yoremikids.com/videos/apple-picking-adventure

  • Warm Up (Musical Education & Mind/Body Connection)

    Warm up your body and voice with Dan. Get ready to make some funny sounds!

    At the beginning of every Yo Re Mi class, we warm up our bodies and our voices so they're ready to move. We use musical dynamics, yoga, and mindful movement to explore developmental milestones and create a mind-body conne...

  • Run Your Feet (Boat Pose)

    Practice balancing in Boat Pose while exploring different musical tempos in our original sing-along song, Run Your Feet! Boat Pose strengthens our core stability which aids with balance, posture and proprioception!

  • Bought Me A Cat (Animal Yoga)

    Make fun animal yoga poses with Dan. Meow like a cat, bark like a dog and hiss like a snake!

    There are so many animal poses in yoga! Practice Cat and Cow Pose, Downward Facing Dog, Baby Cobra, Garland Pose, and more!

  • Making A Pizza (Sing Along)

    What's better than pizza? A SONG about pizza!

    Practice rhythm, pattern and sequencing while giving our bodies a great stretch. Make a delicious pizza with Dan!

  • Hip Hop Sun Dance (Sun Salutation)

    Tap along to a hip-hop beat with Dan. Yo, it's a sun salutation!

    Kids can learn and practice an entire Sun Salutation by singing along with our Hip Hop Sun Dance! Sun Salutations are energizing and warm our bodies up for further movement. They are also focusing, and work as a great transition be...

  • Strong Foundation (Mountain Pose)

    Need to center, calm and focus? Kids can practice Mountain Pose while singing along to our Foundation song, and learning how to ground down and reach tall!

  • Lawnmower (Upward Salute Side Bend)

    Try our lawnmower activity to explore Upward Salute Pose with a side bend: a lateral stretch that lengthens the intercostal muscles and the lats, and lengthens and warms the muscles around the spine. Explore resilience by getting cut down and growing back again!

  • If I Could Be Any Animal In The Jungle (Animal Yoga)

    In our original children's song about animals, kids can practice a fun yoga flow of many different animal yoga poses! Hop like a frog in Deep Squat, dance like a silly monkey in Goddess and balance like a bird in Single Leg Balance. Add your own animals to the song! What kind of jungle animal are...

  • I'm A Wolf (Low Lunge & Camel Pose)

    Do you have "fleet feet" like a wolf? Try these jump switches!

    Join this energizing kids yoga sequence with our song, I'm A Wolf, switching between feet in Low Lunge and taking a back-bending Camel Pose. Lunges are energizing and build focus, balance and stability. Back-bends open up the chest,...

  • Sittin' on the Floor (Sing Along)

    Sharpen sequencing skills with these cross-body movements, fun sounds and stretches! This original Yo Re Mi song and dance is perfect for morning meetings, silly sing-alongs or anytime!

  • See the Bunnies Sleeping & Hop a Lot, Stop! (Sing Along and Jumping)

    Move like bunnies, elephants and cheetahs - but get ready to stop!

    Start in Child's Pose with a classic sing along, See The Bunnies Sleeping. Then leap up and hop, practicing active listening, and energizing bodies! We introduce different animals to engage in different movement modalities and in...

  • I Am Strong (Mountain Pose)

    In our original song, I Am Strong, children practice mindfully standing still and tall in Mountain Pose. Mountain Pose is very grounding and promotes focus as well as a long spine and released neck.

  • Grow (Chair Pose & Tree Pose)

    What kind of plant will you grow into? Practice Chair Pose and Tree Pose with Dan!

    In Grow we learn about STEM, studying the life cycles of plants while practicing Chair Pose and Tree Pose. Chair Pose, also known as Fierce Pose, strengthens the legs and core and Tree Pose promotes balance and pr...

  • Walking On The Moon (Gentle Twists)

    Explore different tempos and gentle yoga twists and begin to learn how gravity works on the moon. Twists promote digestion and moving slowly introduces both musical and mindful concepts.

  • Surf's Up (Warrior Two, Sphinx & Locust Pose)

    Kids can practice an entire Vinyasa sequence, moving from Locust to Sphinx to Warrior Two with our outrageously fun surfing song!

    This sequence of poses is focused and energized, grounding frenetic classroom energy back to the earth. Totally tubular!

  • Yes I Whale (Locust Pose)

    Kids can practice Locust Pose while singing our fun song about whales! Locust Pose is a gentle backbend which encourages heart opening and communication while strengthening the back and stabilizing the core.

  • Boats (Boat and Bow Pose)

    Going on an adventure? Let's make all kinds of boats with Dan!

    We'll start by practicing Boat Pose, a yoga pose that strengthens our core muscles and balance. Then we'll move on to bicycles, another exercise to strengthen our abdominals. Next, we'll practice a lateral stretch to lengthen our int...

  • A Slippery Fish (Sing Along)

    Sing along with this fun classic and add some yoga-based movements!

    Develop fine and gross motor skills, learn about opposite hands to connect the left and right side of your brain, and strengthen your core and back with a bit of a balance challenge!

  • Duck (Deep Squat & Forward Fold)

    Kids can pretend to be a duck while practicing Deep Squat and Forward Fold, yoga poses that strengthen then stretch the legs and core. Forward folding sends freshly oxygenated blood to our brains, resulting in focus, energy and clarity!

  • Chomp Chomp (Sing Along)

    Be an alligator! Kids can practice identifying right from left as well as lengthening their spine and side body in our song, Chomp Chomp! We end our song with a gentle Seated Forward Bend, relaxing the nervous system and winding down.

  • Pirate Ship (Wide-Legged Forward Fold)

    Children can work together to practice wide-legged forward fold while singing our fun pirate song! Partner poses strengthen social-emotional learning skills and wide-legged forward folds lengthen our adductors, the muscles that pull our legs in towards our bodies.

  • Canoe (Boat Pose, Partner Pose)

    Balance and Strengthen - together!!

    In our Canoe song, team up for partner Boat Poses, building stability, core strength and balance while working as a team!