I'm A Wolf (Low Lunge & Camel Pose)
Do you have "fleet feet" like a wolf? Try these jump switches!
Join this energizing kids yoga sequence with our song, I'm A Wolf, switching between feet in Low Lunge and taking a back-bending Camel Pose. Lunges are energizing and build focus, balance and stability. Back-bends open up the chest, ribs and belly, and strengthen the back body.
Up Next in Dan
Sittin' on the Floor (Sing Along)
Sharpen sequencing skills with these cross-body movements, fun sounds and stretches! This original Yo Re Mi song and dance is perfect for morning meetings, silly sing-alongs or anytime!
See the Bunnies Sleeping & Hop a Lot,...
Move like bunnies, elephants and cheetahs - but get ready to stop!
Start in Child's Pose with a classic sing along, See The Bunnies Sleeping. Then leap up and hop, practicing active listening, and energizing bodies! We introduce different animals to engage in different movement modalities and in...
I Am Strong (Mountain Pose)
In our original song, I Am Strong, children practice mindfully standing still and tall in Mountain Pose. Mountain Pose is very grounding and promotes focus as well as a long spine and released neck.