

Our original music and yoga sequences designed to support children of all ages. From toddlers through elementary.

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  • Feather Blowing (Breathing)

    Did you know that teaching children to tune into their breath can be very self-regulating for them? Here kids can practice taking deep breaths with Dan, blowing feathers in an activity that includes eye tracking and hand-eye coordination.

  • Fire Fighter (yoga sequence)

    Sing our Fire Fighter song with Dan! This fun movement sequence including wide legged mountain, chair pose, forward fold, and a twist!

    Watch the entire Fire Truck Adventure here:

  • Fire Truck (Plank / Side Plank)

    Take an imaginary adventure on a firetruck while practicing the challenging Plank Pose and Side Plank Pose. Both versions of Plank strengthen our stabilizing core muscles and our arms. This creates stability and focus!

  • Fire (Upward Salute Pose)

    Reach up high and shine your light!

    Stretch up to the sky to lengthen our spine and side body while grounding our feet to the Earth. Upward Salute Pose is a very energizing, yet grounding pose. It's a great way to build some focused energy in the classroom or to transition between activities.

  • Five Deep Breaths

    Let's take five deep breaths with our "Breathing Ball" aka the Hoberman Sphere. Let's focus, breathe, and relax.

  • Five Little Apples (Sing-Along)

    Count those apples as you pick them with Dan! Great for learning numbers 1 through 5 and the appropriate hand gestures.

  • Five Little Pumpkins

    This activity is featured in our Halloween special Silly Spooky Halloween Adventure. Watch the entire adventure here:

  • Five Monster Breaths

    Take some spooky breaths with Dan! This activity is featured in our Halloween special Silly Spooky Halloween Adventure. Watch the entire adventure here:

  • Flamingos (Crane Pose)

    Practice balancing like a flamingo with Crane Pose! This is a balancing pose that strengthens our core, legs, and sense of proprioception, or where we are in space.

  • Four Beat Pattern (Movement)

    Practice a four beat pattern with this fun movement sequence. Try balancing in Crane Pose AND repeating the pattern! From our "Math + Music Series."

  • Giggle Happy Baby Pose

    Let's practice Happy Baby pose with Rachel! This hip-opening pose helps with anxiety, sleepiness, low back pain and more! Our original Giggle Happy Baby song also guides you through knees-to-chest and into relaxation.

  • Giraffe (Kneeling Twist)

    In our Giraffe song, kids can practice a gentle twist and backbend! Twists help our digestion and backbends open our front body and strengthen our back body.

  • Gondola (Bow Pose)

    Kids can practice Bow Pose with our Gondola song! Bow Pose strengthens the back and legs while lengthening the front body, opening our heart area and facilitating conversation. Let's take a gondola!

  • Goodbye (Sing Along)

    Kids spend a lot of classroom time on the meeting rug, so make that time fun! We end every class with a Goodbye song. Here, kids can practice singing together and crossing the midline of their bodies, fostering cellular connections in their Corpus Callosum and improving right/left brain communica...

  • Go With The Flow (Mindfulness)

    Do you know how to go with the flow? Kids can practice building and learning about resilience with our fun and catchy original song. Children problem-solve and create different yoga shapes with their bodies' to get out of some tight places!

  • Grow (Chair Pose & Tree Pose)

    What kind of plant will you grow into? Practice Chair Pose and Tree Pose with Dan!

    In Grow we learn about STEM, studying the life cycles of plants while practicing Chair Pose and Tree Pose. Chair Pose, also known as Fierce Pose, strengthens the legs and core and Tree Pose promotes balance and pr...

  • Haunted Castle (Reverse Table Top and Three Legged Dog)

    Welcome our friends to the Haunted Castle! This activity is featured in our Halloween special Silly Spooky Halloween Adventure. Watch the entire adventure here:

  • Helicopter (Seated Twist)

    Hello helicopters, swing your arms around with Shelley! Yoga fun for the chest, shoulders and spine. Twisting aids in digestion and rolling our shoulders produces seratonin, a feel-good hormone which promotes optimism, confidence and relaxation.

  • Hello, My Friends (Sing Along)

    Practice repeating musical phrases and rhythms - a great way to start the day with listening skills! Singing along together and giving space for all our friends is a great way to start the day or to introduce social-emotional learning concepts. Hello!

  • Hello (Sing-Along)

    Greet the world with our simple, rhythmic Hello Song.

  • Hip Hop Sun Dance (Sun Salutation)

    Tap along to a hip-hop beat with Dan. Yo, it's a sun salutation!

    Kids can learn and practice an entire Sun Salutation by singing along with our Hip Hop Sun Dance! Sun Salutations are energizing and warm our bodies up for further movement. They are also focusing, and work as a great transition be...

  • Home Song (Sing Along)

    Sometimes you just need a transition between classroom activities! In our original Home song kids can sing along with Dan, practicing musical dynamics.

  • Hop A Lot, Stop (Sing Along)

    Energetic day at school or at home? Try our original song, Hop A Lot, Stop to shake some of your sillies out and regain focus!

  • Hot Air Balloon (Seated Twist)

    Practice breath regulation and gentle twists while taking an imaginary hot air balloon ride! Touching in with breath when big emotions take hold is a great way to teach children to regulate their emotions. Twisting is also relaxing and grounding, promoting digestion and easing tummy troubles.