Less Stress Series
Help relieve stress and anxiety with breathing, movement, and songs.
Activities in this series:
Dragon Breathing
Hot Air Balloon
Affirmation Yoga
I Am Strong
Peace Like A River
Hip Hop Sun Dance
Jump In the Water
Leaves Change Colors
Change My Mind
Floating Raft Relaxation
Breathing Ba... -
Light Mini Adventure
It's time to shine our light with our Light Adventure - make stars, meteors, rainbows and more!
Light Adventure
It's all stars and rainbows on this sparkly adventure! Shine your light with new activities.
Activities include:
Hello, My Friends
Deep Breath In
Sun Dance
Rocket Ship
I'm A Star
I'm A Meteor
Screen Break: Opposite Eyes
I Am A Rainbow
Star Relaxation
Home Song -
Loving Kindness (Mindfulness Activity)
Take a moment to send loving thoughts to your friends, family, community, and yourself.
Loving Kindness is a part of the Mindfulness Series. Watch the entire series here: https://app.yoremikids.com/activity-sequences-15-min-1/videos/mindfulness-series-one
Macaque (Goddess Pose & Chair Pose)
Kids can practice Goddess Pose and Chair Pose in our original song about a Japanese macaque. Did you know that macaques warm up in hot springs just like people? Goddess and Chair pose strengthen the legs and core, and rubbing our arms to warm up builds our sense of proprioception and boosts feel-...
Making A Pizza (Sing Along)
What's better than pizza? A SONG about pizza!
Practice rhythm, pattern and sequencing while giving our bodies a great stretch. Make a delicious pizza with Dan!
Melting Mercury (Active Listening Game)
In our original Mercury song, children play with creative movement and practice how to actively listen, forging that mind-body connection. This song is a great way to transition from one activity to the next as it reenergizes both students and teachers and activates our listening ears!
Mexico Adventure
Travel to Mexico, learn about animals and sing songs in Spanish!
Activities in this adventure:
The Sun Dance
Buenos Dias
La Guitarra
Cancion de Los Animales Mexicanos
La Serpiente
Home Songyoremikids.com
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Mindfulness Series - Breathing Basics
Need some deep breaths, restful calm or a cool down? Rachel's Breathing Basics series is here to help!
Mindfulness Series One
Explore mindfulness with Rachel through breathing, stretching, and relaxation.
Activities Include:
Energy Breathing
Sun Dance
Breathing Ball
Loving Kindness
Breathing Buddyyoremikids.com
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Moose Goose (High Lunge & Warrior 3 Pose)
In our original and silly Moose Goose song, kids can practice a short but engaging yoga flow from High Lunge to Warrior 3 Pose. Both of these yoga poses lengthen the spine and build stability in the legs and core, strengthening children's sense of balance and proprioception.
Fire Fighter (yoga sequence)
Sing our Fire Fighter song with Dan! This fun movement sequence including wide legged mountain, chair pose, forward fold, and a twist!
Watch the entire Fire Truck Adventure here: https://app.yoremikids.com/animated-adventures/videos/fire-truck-adventure
Move Them Bones (Body Scan)
In our fun and original song, children learn about different bones in the body. Combining music and rhythm with repetition and education creates a powerful and engaging learning experience for young children.
Move Your Middle (Sing Along)
Here's a fun warm up - let's make circles with our hips! This silly song is a great way to start a morning meeting or to energize at the end of a long day.
New York City Adventure
See giraffes at the Bronx Zoo, take a helicopter to the Statue of Liberty, and make a shaker!
Activities include:
Hello My Friends
Deep Breath In
Hip Hop Sun Dance
Sleepy Lion
Screen Break: Open Shut
This Little Light of Mine
Ukulele Relaxation
5 Deep ... -
Ostrich (Humble Warrior Pose)
In Ostrich, kids can learn Humble Warrior Pose, a yoga pose that grounds us, builds strength in our legs and core, lengthens our intercostal muscles, and ultimately releases our spine. This is a great way to build focus and calm with a very physically active pose!
Owl (Deep Squat & Gentle Twist)
Kids can sing along with our Owl song while practicing deep seated squats and gentle twists! Twisting stimulates our digestion and sitting in a deep squat strengthens the legs and lengthens the spine.
Five Deep Breaths
Let's take five deep breaths with our "Breathing Ball" aka the Hoberman Sphere. Let's focus, breathe, and relax.
Palm Trees (Tree Pose & Star Pose)
Practice an energizing mini yoga flow with Tree Pose and Star Pose for kids, all while singing along to our Palm Tree song! Tree Pose strengthens our balance and our proprioception: that sense of where we are in space. Star Pose is a mini back-bend, opening our ribs and chest area and lengthening...
Five Little Apples (Sing-Along)
Count those apples as you pick them with Dan! Great for learning numbers 1 through 5 and the appropriate hand gestures.
Papillon (Butterfly Pose)
Kids can practice their yoga and their French in our learning song about a little papillon, or butterfly. Butterfly Pose opens the hips and stretches the adductor muscles, those muscles that bring our legs close in line with our body. What a great way to wind down before nap time or anytime energ...
Peace Like A River (Sing Along)
Join in as we sing an old classic, Peace Like a River, and add some fun and creative movements! Use your imagination! What kind of shape could we make to symbolize the ocean?
Five Little Pumpkins
This activity is featured in our Halloween special Silly Spooky Halloween Adventure. Watch the entire adventure here:
https://app.yoremikids.com/animated-adventures/videos/silly-spooky-adventure -
Five Monster Breaths
Take some spooky breaths with Dan! This activity is featured in our Halloween special Silly Spooky Halloween Adventure. Watch the entire adventure here: