Cat in a Tree (Cat Pose, Tree Pose)
Explore fun yoga poses and emotional awareness in this fun and original musical yoga activity. From the Fire Truck Adventure, available exclusively on the Yo Re Mi App!
Cement Mixer (Core Strength)
Go on an adventure to a construction site and practice mixing cement with Lauren! Adding bicycle crunches and arm movements to our original song makes for a fun and dynamic core workout, energizing and focusing young children.
Change My Mind (Mindfulness)
Children can sing-along with Dan and Rachel and learn all about the concept of changing their minds! This is a great sing along-song for early education, meeting rugs, and social-emotional learning!
Clock (Upward Salute Pose)
In Clock, children learn about time while practicing Upward Salute Pose, a yoga pose that grounds and focuses us, while strengthening our core and lengthening our spine and intercostal muscles. This pose teaches us to take up space!
Construction Adventure
Grab your hard hat! We're off to see Bulldozers, Cranes, Excavators, Cement Mixers and more!
Activities include:
Hello My Friends
Deep Breath In
Sun Dance
Strong Foundation
Cement Mixer
Eye Palming
I Am Strong
Deep Breaths
Ukulele Relaxation
Home Songy...
Construction Mini Adventure
Cranes, Bulldozers, Cement Mixers and more! Let's build a building! Our 10-minutes adventures are a great way to get moving!
Construction Crane (Crane Pose and Warrior Three Pose)
Be a strong and tall construction crane, practice cross body movements and a tricky balancing pose! Warrior Three Pose is a terrific way to celebrate your strength.
Cool Down and Relaxation Series
Stretch, breathe, calm and relax.
Activities in this series:
Breathing Ball
Deep Breath In
Leaves Change Color
Melting Mercury
Serpiente (live)
Serpiente (animated)
Ukulele Relaxation
Floating Raft Relaxationyoremikids.com
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Bulldozer (High Lunge)
Let's be bulldozers with Rachel! This activity is featured in our Three Little Pigs Adventure. Watch the entire Adventure here: https://app.yoremikids.com/animated-adventures/videos/three-little-pigs-adventure
Deep Breath In (Breathing Activity)
Take some deep breaths with Rachel to warm up, energize and relax!
At the beginning of every Yo Re Mi class, we warm up our bodies and voices. Crossing the meridian of our body builds the corpus callosum, the bridge between the two halves of our brain, and helps with tracking and reading skills ...
Dig In The Ground (Goddess Pose)
Kids can join us on a STEM adventure to travel back in time and discover dinosaur bones! Each dig we sit a little bit lower into a strong squat, also known as Goddess Pose. Here we strengthen our legs and glutes, engage our core, and lengthen our spine and neck up to the sky!
Dinosaur Adventure
Journey back in time to see some prehistoric creatures!
Activities in this adventure:
Hello My Friends
Deep Breath In
Warm Up
Hip Hop Sun Dance
Move Them Bones
Dig In The Ground
I'm A Dinosaur
Peace Like A River
Ukulele Meditation
Home Songyoremikids.com
© RDC ARTS, LLC. All Righ... -
Dinosaurs Mini Adventure
Dig for bones, take a time machine, and see five different dinosaurs. Let's go! Our 10 minute adventures are a great way to get moving and singing!
Dogsled Race (Downward Facing Dog & Camel Pose)
In this fun and energizing yoga flow, kids practice multiple poses beginning with Downward Facing Dog, moving through Cat and Cow Pose, Camel Pose, Down Dog Split and finally Child's Pose! This yoga sequence builds focus and energy as well as strength and dexterity, building that mind/body connec...
Dolphin (Dolphin Pose)
Take an ocean adventure and practice Dolphin Pose! Add in some Dolphin Push-ups to make things even more challenging and strengthen your core, arms and back!
Down Dog (Downward Facing Dog with Split)
Practice Downward Facing Dog Pose while adding in a Down Dog Split!
This is a great way to practice balance and strengthen our arms, core, back and standing leg! Maintaining this pose also builds strength and focus.
Canción de Los Animales Mexicanos
Whether you speak Spanish at home or you're just beginning to learn, kids and grown-ups can practice together with Dan and Rachel! Learning new songs and languages strengthens creates new neural pathways in our brains!
Dragon Breathing (Breathing Activity)
Be a fire-breathing dragon with Shelley. In through your nose and fire out of your mouth...AHHHHH!
Did you know when we practice deep breathing, it can help us in stressful situations? Let's take some big breaths together!
Duck (Deep Squat & Forward Fold)
Kids can pretend to be a duck while practicing Deep Squat and Forward Fold, yoga poses that strengthen then stretch the legs and core. Forward folding sends freshly oxygenated blood to our brains, resulting in focus, energy and clarity!
Dune Buggy (Chair Pose)
In our fun Dune Buggy song kids practice maintaining a Chair Pose, or Fierce Pose. We like to use this song with freeze and go listening games to create a strong mind/body connection. Chair Pose strengthens our legs, core and back, and lengthens our spine!
Egypt Adventure
Pyramids, camels and culture and history abound in this Ancient Egypt adventure! See the Great Sphinx and Pyramids of Giza, learn about amazing Egyptian inventions, and ride peacefully down the Nile River.
Activities include:
Hello My Friends
Deep Breath In
Sun Dance
Bought Me A Cat
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Elephant (Wide-Legged Forward Fold)
In Elephant, kids learn how to make an imaginary elephant with Lauren! We practice Wide-Legged Forward Fold to make our elephants, building strength and stability through our legs, core, and back muscles!
Eye Yoga: Full Series
Take a screen break and rest your eyes with six activities for eye health!
Activities in this series:
Eye Palming
Eye Clock
Open Shut
Opposite Eyes
Thumb Gazing
Eye Massageyoremikids.com
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Farm Mini Adventure
Our ten minute adventures are a bright burst of singing and stretching. Let's sing and move with the plants and animals on the farm!