Beginner Poses

Beginner Poses

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Beginner Poses
  • Helicopter (Seated Twist)

    Hello helicopters, swing your arms around with Shelley! Yoga fun for the chest, shoulders and spine. Twisting aids in digestion and rolling our shoulders produces seratonin, a feel-good hormone which promotes optimism, confidence and relaxation.

  • Bought Me A Cat (Animal Yoga)

    Make fun animal yoga poses with Dan. Meow like a cat, bark like a dog and hiss like a snake!

    There are so many animal poses in yoga! Practice Cat and Cow Pose, Downward Facing Dog, Baby Cobra, Garland Pose, and more!

  • Airplane (Warrior Three Pose)

    Make airplanes with Rachel - practice balance, repetition, and making engine sounds!

    Warrior Three teaches us balance, stability and strength and is a great pose for building focus.

  • Boats (Boat and Bow Pose)

    Going on an adventure? Let's make all kinds of boats with Dan!

    We'll start by practicing Boat Pose, a yoga pose that strengthens our core muscles and balance. Then we'll move on to bicycles, another exercise to strengthen our abdominals. Next, we'll practice a lateral stretch to lengthen our int...

  • Down Dog (Downward Facing Dog with Split)

    Practice Downward Facing Dog Pose while adding in a Down Dog Split!

    This is a great way to practice balance and strengthen our arms, core, back and standing leg! Maintaining this pose also builds strength and focus.

  • Sun Dance (Sun Salutation)

    The Yo Re Mi sun salutation - a perfect start to every day! Join Rachel as she sings and stretches. A Sun Salutation is a standard part of many yoga practices! Kids can practice a full Sun Salutation to build energy and warm up our bodies before we begin to move.

  • Tree (Tree Pose)

    Be a tall tree with Shelley! Balance, stabilize and sway in the wind.

    Balancing on one foot is a developmental milestone and adding in an original song makes it even more fun!

  • Warrior (Warrior Two Pose)

    Be strong and still warriors with Lauren! Warrior Two strengthens our legs and core and lengthens our side body and spine. It creates strength and focus in our body and mind!

  • Sleepy Lion (Upward Facing Dog)

    Practice being a sleepy Lion with Rachel! We start in Child's Pose, a grounding, calming pose which promotes focus and regulates our nervous system. Then we move to Upward Facing Dog and we RAWR! Upward Facing Dog strengthens our arms and we get a great stretch for our front body as well!

  • Slithery Snake (Baby Cobra Pose)

    Be a slithery snake with Dan. Practice baby cobra pose and hiss along!

    Baby Cobra builds strength in our arms and backs and stretches our front body while combining music with yoga encourages retention and mental focus!

  • Rocket Ship (Chair Pose & Star Pose) off into outer space with Rachel!

    Practice Chair Pose (also known as Fierce Pose) and Star Pose. Chair Pose strengthens our legs and core and Star Pose energizes us, lengthening our spine and intercostal muscles and shining our hearts forward. Poses like Star Pose are a...

  • Papillon (Butterfly Pose)

    Kids can practice their yoga and their French in our learning song about a little papillon, or butterfly. Butterfly Pose opens the hips and stretches the adductor muscles, those muscles that bring our legs close in line with our body. What a great way to wind down before nap time or anytime energ...

  • Owl (Deep Squat & Gentle Twist)

    Kids can sing along with our Owl song while practicing deep seated squats and gentle twists! Twisting stimulates our digestion and sitting in a deep squat strengthens the legs and lengthens the spine.

  • Flamingos (Crane Pose)

    Practice balancing like a flamingo with Crane Pose! This is a balancing pose that strengthens our core, legs, and sense of proprioception, or where we are in space.

  • Jungle Cat (Balancing Table Top Pose)

    Let's stretch like a jungle cat - MEOW, it might be a little tricky at first...

    This pose teaches us about our opposites, strengthening the part of our brain known as the Corpus Callosum which helps with reading and language skills. It also builds stabilizing core strength. What kind of jungle c...