Sing Along with Dan
Five classic and fun sing-along songs with movement, perfect for family fun or a quick brain break!
The Itsy-Bitsy Spider
Shoo Fly
The Cinnamon Ship
5 Little Apples
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star -
Sing in Spanish Series
Five great songs to start learning greetings, numbers, and animals in Spanish!
Buenos Dias
La Guitarra
Canciòn de los Animales Mexicanos
La Serpiente
Adios Mis Amigos -
Hello (Sing-Along)
Greet the world with our simple, rhythmic Hello Song.
Sittin' on the Floor (Sing Along)
Sharpen sequencing skills with these cross-body movements, fun sounds and stretches! This original Yo Re Mi song and dance is perfect for morning meetings, silly sing-alongs or anytime!
Ski Down The Mountain (Chair Pose)
Kids practice Chair Pose, also known as Fierce Pose, in our fun and original Skiing song! Fierce Pose strengthens our legs and core and helps us build focus and practice balance! Let's go skiing!
Sleepy Lion (Upward Facing Dog)
Practice being a sleepy Lion with Rachel! We start in Child's Pose, a grounding, calming pose which promotes focus and regulates our nervous system. Then we move to Upward Facing Dog and we RAWR! Upward Facing Dog strengthens our arms and we get a great stretch for our front body as well!
Sleepy Rabbits (Rabbit Pose & Child's Pose)
Kids can practice Rabbit Pose and Child's Pose with our original Sleepy Rabbit song! Both Rabbit Pose and Child's Pose are forward bends, which stretch our arms and back and send freshly oxygenated blood to our brain to increase focus and calm stress. Forward bends are very grounding. When classr...
Slithery Snake (Baby Cobra Pose)
Be a slithery snake with Dan. Practice baby cobra pose and hiss along!
Baby Cobra builds strength in our arms and backs and stretches our front body while combining music with yoga encourages retention and mental focus!
Snow Adventure
Travel to Canada for a snowy adventure!
Hello My Friends
Deep Breath In
Body Warm Up
Sun Dance
Up and Down
Dogsled Race
See The Bunnies Sleeping / Hop A Lot, Stop!
Moose / Goose
Ski Down The Mountain
Affirmation Yoga
Ukulele Meditation
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House of Bricks (Reverse Table Top and Three Legged Dog)
Let's build a house out of bricks with Rachel!This activity is featured in our Three Little Pigs Adventure. Watch the entire Adventure here: https://app.yoremikids.com/animated-adventures/videos/three-little-pigs-adventure
Snowy Sing Along
It's a sing-along with Dan! Featuring some winter favorites, and some snowy Yo Re Mi originals!
Songs include:
Deck The Halls
Jingle Bells
Snow (Ho! Ho! Ho!)
Ski Down The Mountain
This Little Light of Mine
Gratitude Relaxation
Simple Gifts -
I Am A Bat (Warrior Three Pose and Forward Fold)
Practice Warrior Three and Forward Fold in this fun bat pose activity. Check out the full length Silly Spooky Halloween Adventure here: https://app.yoremikids.com/animated-adventures/videos/silly-spooky-adventure
I Am A Rainbow (Affirmations and Power Poses)
Combine power poses with affirmations and our original "I Am a Rainbow" musical yoga activity. Great for building confidence, strength and motivation.
Space Adventure
Visit every planet in the solar system on this galactic ride!
Activities in this adventure:
Hello My Friends
Deep Breath In
Warm up
Sun Dance
Rocket Ship
Melting Mercury
Walking on the Moon
Space Rover Robot
Move Your Middle
Breathing Ball
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Space Mini Adventure
Blast off with us to explore outer space! A 10 minute mini-adventure.
Space Rover Robot (Deep Squat & Star Pose)
Children practice deep squats and Star Pose in our fun and silly Space Rover Robot song! Learn about outer space while squatting to strengthen your legs and jump into Star Pose to open up your heart and chest, facilitating communication and gentle back-bending! What does your robot sound like?
Sphinx (Sphinx Pose)
Practice Sphinx Pose and sing along with our original song about the Egyptian Sphinx! Sphinx yoga pose is a gentle backbend and heart opener which helps us strengthen our spine, stretch our chest and shoulders, and reduce stress.
Squirrel (Garland Pose with Twist)
Deep squats like Garland lengthen our quads and strengthen our hamstrings, and adding a twist aids our digestion for happy tummies!
Strong Foundation (Mountain Pose)
Need to center, calm and focus? Kids can practice Mountain Pose while singing along to our Foundation song, and learning how to ground down and reach tall!
I'm A Rainbow (from Rain Adventure)
Sing along with Rachel, and celebrate all of our beautiful colors! This activity is featured in our Rain Adventure. Watch the entire adventure here: https://app.yoremikids.com/animated-adventures/videos/rain-adventure
Sun Dance (Chair Yoga)
Practice our classic Sun Dance, this time as a chair sequence! With gentle back bends and forward folds, balancing as well as upper body isolation, this sequence has benefits for everyone!
Sun Dance (Sun Salutation)
The Yo Re Mi sun salutation - a perfect start to every day! Join Rachel as she sings and stretches. A Sun Salutation is a standard part of many yoga practices! Kids can practice a full Sun Salutation to build energy and warm up our bodies before we begin to move.
Surfs Up (Multi-Pose Sequence)
Kids can practice an entire Vinyasa sequence, moving from Locust to Sphinx to Warrior Two with our outrageously fun surfing song! This sequence of poses is focused and energized, grounding frenetic classroom energy back to the earth. Totally tubular!