Boats (Chair Yoga)
Short - 5 minutes or less
1m 42s
Try our seated boat sequence! Develop core strength, practice side stretching and forward fold!
Up Next in Short - 5 minutes or less
Bonjour Les Fleurs (Flower Pose)
Bonjour! In our French Fleurs song, kids can practice balancing in Flower Pose while singing in French. Some students speak French at home and some are learning it for the first time. Learning languages builds new pathways in our brains and assists with social-emotional learning!
Bought Me A Cat (Animal Yoga)
Make fun animal yoga poses with Dan. Meow like a cat, bark like a dog and hiss like a snake!
There are so many animal poses in yoga! Practice Cat and Cow Pose, Downward Facing Dog, Baby Cobra, Garland Pose, and more!
Breathing Ball (Breathing Activity)
Take some deep breaths with Isaac. Make your body as big as it can be, just like the breathing ball!
Did you know that focusing on our breath can help us experience big emotions? Give it a try with our Hoberman Sphere, or Breathing Ball!