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Five Deep Breaths
Let's take five deep breaths with our "Breathing Ball" aka the Hoberman Sphere. Let's focus, breathe, and relax.
Up Next in Rachel
Unicorn (High Lunge) Extended Play
Practice High Lunge with Rachel and let your unicorn glitter shine!! High Lunge is a power pose which encourages strength and balance. In our Explore uniqueness, loving kindness, and learn about narwhals!
Turtle - Extended Play
Practice turtle pose, and learn about the different types of turtles as well!
Triangle (Triangle Pose)
Kids can learn Triangle Pose with our fun rhyme! Triangle stretches our legs while strengthening and twisting our abdominals. Twists aid with digestion and strengthening poses ground and focus, developing a child's sense of where their body is in space, and a sense of self-confidence.