Space Rover Robot (Deep Squat & Star Pose)
Children practice deep squats and Star Pose in our fun and silly Space Rover Robot song! Learn about outer space while squatting to strengthen your legs and jump into Star Pose to open up your heart and chest, facilitating communication and gentle back-bending! What does your robot sound like?
Squirrel (Garland Pose with Twist)
Deep squats like Garland lengthen our quads and strengthen our hamstrings, and adding a twist aids our digestion for happy tummies!
Archer (Archer Pose)
Children can practice Archer Pose with a toe hold variation while learning our Archer song! Archer Pose stretches the arms and legs while working the core. It's a great way to ground and focus our energy and to stabilize through the trunk.
Papillon (Butterfly Pose)
Kids can practice their yoga and their French in our learning song about a little papillon, or butterfly. Butterfly Pose opens the hips and stretches the adductor muscles, those muscles that bring our legs close in line with our body. What a great way to wind down before nap time or anytime energ...
Bonjour Les Fleurs (Flower Pose)
Bonjour! In our French Fleurs song, kids can practice balancing in Flower Pose while singing in French. Some students speak French at home and some are learning it for the first time. Learning languages builds new pathways in our brains and assists with social-emotional learning!
Sleepy Rabbits (Rabbit Pose & Child's Pose)
Kids can practice Rabbit Pose and Child's Pose with our original Sleepy Rabbit song! Both Rabbit Pose and Child's Pose are forward bends, which stretch our arms and back and send freshly oxygenated blood to our brain to increase focus and calm stress. Forward bends are very grounding. When classr...
Mama's Sleeping (Sing Along)
Kids can play with volume, rhythm and tempo in our dynamic song about dynamics! Folding music into education creates repetition and helps anchor themes and activities in children's minds.
I Am a Rainbow (Sing Along)
Affirmations create mindfulness and help us practice well-being. Say an affirmation that connects with each color of the rainbow. Celebrate the wide range of feelings we all have every day!
Tambourine Stretching (Seated Forward Fold)
Kids can practice musically stretching with Dan! Adding music to a school curriculum can help children remember material and add a little bit of joy to their day!
Rhythm Sticks (Sing Along)
Kids explore rhythm sticks to make unique patterns and music! Music in education offers kids the opportunity to process course material in a new way and has been shown to strengthen memory.
Feather Blowing (Breathing)
Did you know that teaching children to tune into their breath can be very self-regulating for them? Here kids can practice taking deep breaths with Dan, blowing feathers in an activity that includes eye tracking and hand-eye coordination.
Wash Your Hands
Cough into your elbow,
Wash your handsPlease don't pick your nose, (Ewww!)
Wash your handsI throw away a tissue (Ploop!)
Wash your handsTime to eat my lunch now (Yummy!)
Wash your handsAfter the potty (Flush!)
I pull up my clothes
And I wash my handsAnd dry them off. All clean!
Change My Mind (Mindfulness)
Children can sing-along with Dan and Rachel and learn all about the concept of changing their minds! This is a great sing along-song for early education, meeting rugs, and social-emotional learning!
Home Song (Sing Along)
Sometimes you just need a transition between classroom activities! In our original Home song kids can sing along with Dan, practicing musical dynamics.
Goodbye (Sing Along)
Kids spend a lot of classroom time on the meeting rug, so make that time fun! We end every class with a Goodbye song. Here, kids can practice singing together and crossing the midline of their bodies, fostering cellular connections in their Corpus Callosum and improving right/left brain communica...