Adios Mis Amigos (Sing Along)
At the end of every Yo Re Mi class, we sing a goodbye song with all the children. Singing in a language other than English is a great way to build language skills, begin to learn new languages, or practice the language you speak at home! See you later alligators!
Affirmation Yoga (Yoga Flow)
A series of power-poses to practice positive affirmations. Build confidence and self-esteem!
We begin our flow in High Lunge and Warrior 2, strengthening our leg and core muscles. Then we move to Star Pose, a gentle heart opener. Tree Pose and Warrior 3 build our strength and balance, and Fierce...
A Fine Day At The Farm
Make animal poses and noises in this fun new song from our Farm Adventure!
Airplane (Warrior Three Pose)
Make airplanes with Rachel - practice balance, repetition, and making engine sounds!
Warrior Three teaches us balance, stability and strength and is a great pose for building focus.
Alaskan Wolf Adventure
Let's journey to the snowy north and find some animals - including the incredible wolf - AH-WOOO!
Activities include:
Hello My Friends
Deep Breath In
The Sun Dance
Moose Goose
Screen Break: Eye Clock
I Am Strong
I'm A Wolf
Big Bad Wolf
Breathing Ball
Ukulele Relaxation
Home Song -
Antarctica Adventure
Brrr...come join us in the coldest place on earth! Let's find penguins, volcanos, whales and more!
Activities include:
Hello My Friends
Deep Breath In
Hip Hop Sun Dance
Peanut Butter Sandwich
Screen Break: Eye Palming
What Do You See in the Sea?
Ski Down The Mountain
Aval... -
Antarctica Mini Adventure
Head to the South Pole for penguins, volcanos and an avalanche! Our 10-minute mini-adventures are a great way to get a quick stretch, singing all along the way!
Apple Picking Adventure
Apples fresh from the trees - YUM! Let's go!
Activites include:
Hello, My Friends
Deep Breath In
Sun Dance
Fine Day at the Farm
Apple Tree
5 Little Apples
Leaves Change Color
Cider Breathing
Apple Relaxation
Home Song
Apple Tree (Tree Pose)
In Apple Tree kids can practice balancing in Tree Pose! Balancing poses build our sense of proprioception, or where we are in space. Tree Pose also strengthens our standing leg and core and lengthens our spine and side ribs.
Ants Go Marching (Sing-Along)
This activity is featured in our Bug Adventure. Watch the entire adventure here:
https://app.yoremikids.com/animated-adventures/videos/bug-adventure -
Archer (Archer Pose)
Children can practice Archer Pose with a toe hold variation while learning our Archer song! Archer Pose stretches the arms and legs while working the core. It's a great way to ground and focus our energy and to stabilize through the trunk.
Argentina Adventure
Travel with us to the land of llamas! Featuring 5 new activities, including 3 new songs in Spanish!
Activities include:
Hello My Friends
Deep Breath In
Sun Dance
El Caballo
Teeny Tiny Dinosaur
What Do You See In The See
Soy Un Arco Iris
Cactus Relaxation
Home Song -
Argentina Mini Adventure
Try our Argentina Mini-Adventure! Sing in Spanish, learn about llamas, rainbows, cacti and more.
Apple Relaxation
Take a short break from apple picking and relax with Dan! This activity is featured in our Apple Picking Adventure. Watch the entire adventure here: https://app.yoremikids.com/animated-adventures/videos/apple-picking-adventure
Avalanche (Chair Pose)
The snow is falling down the mountain - make an avalanche with Lauren! Learn about avalanches while practicing musical dynamics and sustaining the challenging Chair Pose!
Backhoe (Three-Legged Dog)
Practice Three-Legged Dog with this new song from our Construction Adventure!
Balance and Strengthen Series
Engage your muscles and develop strength and balance!
Activities in this series:
The Bird and the Worm
Down Dog
I’m a Wolf
Caterpillar, Chrysalis, Butterfly
Apple Tree
Surf's Up
Blue Footed Booby
Leaves Change Coloryoremikids.com
© RDC ARTS, LLC. All R... -
Beach Adventure
Have some fun in the sun building sand castles, seeing ocean animals, and relaxing in the waves!
Activities include:
Hello My Friends
Deep Breath In
Sun Dance
Puddle Jumper
Sand Castles
Jump In The Water
A Slippery Fish
Yes I Whale
Beach Umbrella
Hot Air Balloon
Ocean Relaxation
Home S... -
Beach Mini Adventure
Let's get ready to splash and sing! It's beach season! Our 10 minute adventures are a fun, easy way to get a quick stretch, singing all the way!
Bees (Upper / Lower Body Isolation)
In our original Bees song kids can practice balancing on one foot, a developmental milestone, while strengthening their listening skills to learn new rhythms and aural patterns.
Bicycle (Core Strengthening)
Kids can take an imaginary bicycle on an adventure! We practice bicycles and then Bridge Pose to strengthen and then stretch our cores!
Big Bad Wolf (Camel Pose)
Sing along to our Big Bad Wolf song while practicing Camel Pose, a deep backbend! Backbends lengthen our front bodies while building strength in our back bodies. Awoooo!
Big Fluffy Cloud (Goddess Pose)
Practice Goddess Pose and explore high and low singing with our original Big Fluffy Cloud song. Goddess Pose encourages leg strengthening, deep breathing and body awareness! From the "Water Cycle Adventure"
Birds Fly South (Warrior 3 Pose)
Practice balancing in Warrior 3 Pose while learning about what birds do once it gets cold up north! Warrior 3 is a challenging pose that strengthens our balance and focus. Balancing on one foot is a developmental milestone in many classrooms so we practice to build confidence, strength and propri...