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Watch this video and more on Yo Re Mi

Watch this video and more on Yo Re Mi

Breath of Joy (Energy Breathing)

3rd Grade and Up • 1m 51s

Up Next in 3rd Grade and Up

  • Bug Adventure

    Ants, Bees, Crickets, Butterflies and more. Explore bug science with 17 activities!

    Activities Include:

    Theme Song
    Hello My Friends
    Deep Breath In
    Sun Dance
    Praying Mantis
    Eye Clock
    Ants Go Marching
    Caterpillar, Chrysalis, Butterfly
    Un Papillon

  • Bug Mini Adventure

    Explore these creeping, crawling, flying wonders of our world - in a quick 10 minute adventure! Our 10 minute mini-adventures are a great way to get singing and stretching.

  • Bus (Plow Pose)

    In our original Bus rhyme, kids can practice Chair or Fierce Pose and then roll back to Plow Pose. Chair Pose strengthens our legs and lengthens our spine, while Plow Pose is a deep fold and an inversion which sends lots of freshly oxygenated blood to our brain for clarity and focus!