Dune Buggy (Chair Pose)
In our fun Dune Buggy song kids practice maintaining a Chair Pose, or Fierce Pose. We like to use this song with freeze and go listening games to create a strong mind/body connection. Chair Pose strengthens our legs, core and back, and lengthens our spine!
Up Next in Activities
Eagle (Eagle Pose)
Kids can follow along to practice the challenging Eagle Pose! Eagle Pose teaches us balance and engages our core muscles. Balance, in turn, strengthens our sense of proprioception, or where our bodies are in space.
El Caballo (Downward Dog, Cow and Chi...
Caballo means "Horse" - let's be a horse who is running around "las vacas" - the cows! This activity is featured in our Argentina Adventure. Watch the entire Adventure here: https://app.yoremikids.com/animated-adventures/videos/argentina-adventure
Elephant (Wide-Legged Forward Fold)
In Elephant, kids learn how to make an imaginary elephant with Lauren! We practice Wide-Legged Forward Fold to make our elephants, building strength and stability through our legs, core, and back muscles!