Rocket Ship (Chair Pose & Star Pose) Extended Play
Medium - 5 to 15 minutes
4m 41s off into outer space with Rachel!
Practice Chair Pose (also known as Fierce Pose) and Star Pose. Chair Pose strengthens our legs and core and Star Pose energizes us, lengthening our spine and intercostal muscles and shining our hearts forward. Poses like Star Pose are also known as power poses and can help us gain confidence and take up space, honing our sense of proprioception.
Up Next in Medium - 5 to 15 minutes
See the Bunnies Sleeping & Hop a Lot,...
Move like bunnies, elephants and cheetahs - but get ready to stop!
Start in Child's Pose with a classic sing along, See The Bunnies Sleeping. Then leap up and hop, practicing active listening, and energizing bodies! We introduce different animals to engage in different movement modalities and in...
Rainbow Relaxation
Let's relax with Rachel, and all our rainbow colors! This activity is featured in our Rain Adventure. Watch the entire adventure here:
Sensory Integration Series
Musical yoga for breath and body awareness!
Activities in this series:
Hello My Friends
Sun Dance
Bought Me a Cat
Slippery Fish
Yes I Whale
Trees and Birds
Walking on the Moon
Leaves Change
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